Reviews, testimonials & pricing.
NC review.
“Tapping with Alisa helped me through a very difficult time with the complex emotions that come with bereavement and grief through trauma. I felt truly heard and was amazed she was able to remember the details of what I had expressed. The depth of the sessions were great and grounding at a time when I needed it most. Many months on I still tap when I’m struggling, thank you for teaching me this helpful life skill processing, respecting and acknowledging emotions with such warmth and empathy.”
SD review.
After benefiting from Alisa's therapeutic coaching during an important and unsettling career transition a few months ago, I decided to collaborate with her again to process other personal challenges that was brought to the surface. From physical constriction in my neck, to productivity issues and complex family dynamics, Alisa helped me to navigate these matters on a deeper level. The transformation that has followed was incredible – the physical constriction in my neck, and performance related blockages have dissipated. Our work has provided me lots of clarity and encouragement to move forward. I truly recommend working with Alisa as her approach and support are transformative!
EY review.
Prior to 1st session with Alisa, I felt i had already shifted a lot of limiting beliefs that had held me back in the past, however I still had underlying issues with anxiety which I wanted to work through. At this point, there was no major pressure from myself to resolve the issues quickly, however an opportunity involving public speaking came about for me which despite feeling extremely uncomfortable about it, I felt I had to rise to the challenge.
I did not anticipate how much that fear would consume me in the lead up to it and I believe it was through the 2 sessions i had with Alisa in a very short space of time (1.5 weeks) that helped me through. In that time, Alisa not only provided me with techniques to deal with that all consuming fear which was crippling at times prior to the event; but she uncovered things that I was unaware of ,that now makes a lot of sense and has provided me with some inner peace
I have only had a few sessions with Alisa dealing with what I thought was one issue but her intuitiveness & sensitive approach unearthed something far deeper which I am now less afraid to explore & tackle with her in the future.
LC review.
Thank you so much Alisa, you've helped me shift some old strong fears and limiting beliefs about myself. I've experienced various therapies in the past which have all helped but I came to a point where I needed someone who could get me through my mental barriers. Alisa you were amazingly patient, calm and compassionate in your approach, supporting me through some difficult and painful feelings. I feel you've helped me make some huge improvements in my self worth. Thank you so much, I have finally had a breakthrough.
SW review.
I’m so thankful and grateful to have found Alisa. Alisa is super compassionate and is an incredibly warm person. The EFT sessions I had with Alisa so far has enabled me to let go and accept my past traumatic events. I recently also had panic attacks and with Alisa’s help I can honestly say they have gone away. EFT sessions have honestly been transformational for me, it’s a powerful technique that has calmed me massively. Alisa has helped me learn to feel safe in my own body and I feel so much stronger for it. I would highly recommend Alisa’s EFT sessions. Thank you so much again Alisa, it’s such a pleasure and honour working with you.
SD review.
I highly recommend signing up with Alisa. Her methods helped me during a very challenging time in my life. She gave me the armour I needed to feel safe and strong whilst dealing with my situation. Other things emerged as well during our work together and I’m glad we explored that further as, they were hiding in my blindspot thinking this was resolved. I also feel like I should share how effective immediatly her sessions are, I could feel the change whilst we were working on it and the shift in my mindset and everyday life immediatly after our sessions. Having had therapy before which took a lot of time to see/feel results, I am astonished by the immediacy and will stay with this method of therapy for now.
SB review.
I am overwhelmed still, by having been offered this amazing opportunity to have Alisa work with me deciphering and achieving remarkable results with some very significant issues that I have spent many years attempting to solve.
I have paid for a number of different individuals from a number of backgrounds and theoretical perspectives.
These sessions in the past were always ending up as unproductive and maybe it’s their methodologies or approaches were simply inappropriate for dealing with me. But whatever the reason, none were sustainably effective even though interesting at the time!
I stopped working with these therapist because mostly I felt like I was going crazy and traveling around and around in circles.
I certainly wasn’t achieving my internal mental, physical or emotional health goals which increasingly became more and more problematic, prevalent and frustrating.
Whilst working with Alisa using her approach, professionalism and compassion have blown me away.
Alisa is highly trained, but this isn’t the end of the story for her, it’s all well and good having good head knowledge. Alisa’s abilities shine through her flexibility and adaptive ability to utilise the most appropriate skill in the given situation.
This enables me to reach deeply into my thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories.
And through the somatic techniques Alisa employs, these skills to better enhance my inner healing, strength and confidence in the knowledge that this shift is something that has occurred throughout our entire time together.
This new understanding of how my physical symptoms are manifested because of closed emotional distress enables me to work at a deeper level of healing.
I’d recommend Alisa for her innate desire to support the healing process in anyone who needs it.
Her sense of care and compassion for the painful consequences of long term damage sitting in the emotions that have, up until now had no other way of healing.
Her competence and courage to work hard and with immense care for you, because she know the importance of the gift she has to help us set ourselves free of past trauma and suffering.
Thank you Alisa for everything you have enabled me to accomplish spending time with you.
TS review.
I went into it with an open mind not quite sure what to expect. What I knew was true was this was an opportunity to delve into those filing cabinets, giving me the freedom to let go of the effects of my childhood trauma.
The strategies were simple yet incredibly powerful! To feel the energy move around my body was strange but also welcoming. Sessions were exhausting but I have felt so much lighter - unburdened, as a result of the sessions.
Alisa has a really pleasant smile, emphatic and has a way of putting into words what I was feeling while helping me to explore the links to my trauma. Alisa felt safe, nurturing and welcoming.
Having had talking therapy in the past, this is the first time I have felt safe enough to talk fully about my story. It is the shortest number of sessions I have ever had, but certainly the most effective.
The cloud of fear I lived with has disappeared and I can clearly see the sun! I continue to learn to be compassionate to myself, I am really grateful to have interacted with you along this journey called life.
Swedish: “Jag kände mig så otroligt trygg och omhändertagen av Alisa tack vare hennes närvaro och empatiska tillvägagångssätt. En väldigt stark upplevelse där jag fick jobba med både fysiska och mentala spärrar. Jämfört med alla terapeuter jag pratat med genom åren så kan jag med handen på hjärtat säga att den här metoden utan tvekan tog mig djupare i mitt arbete att lösa upp smärtminnen och läka inifrån ut”.
English: “I felt so incredibly safe and cared for by Alisa thanks to her presence and empathetic approach. It was a very strong experience where I got to work with both physical and mental barriers. Compared to all the therapists I have talked to over the years, I can say with the hand on my heart that this method undoubtedly took me deeper in my work to dissolve pain memories and heal from the inside out”.
“In my experience of having had some sessions with Alisa, I can say hand on heart that what she brings to her practice is everything I had been looking for in a therapist:
Her warmth, compassion and the skillfulness to dive deep into the subconscious mind, provide me relief from my feelings of sadness and overwhelm.
I find it is so easy to open up to Alisa, to be myself and show up exactly as I am.
I am always impressed how she listens so intently to my words and then reflects them back in such a gentle way, which seems to kickstart my emotional system into healing whilst we are tapping. I highly recommend Alisa as an EFT practitioner.”
“Alisa has a beautiful energy. She has a very natural & intuitive way of working to suit your mood & needs at any given time. She is a warm & nurturing soul who introduced me to EFT when I really needed it (more than I realised). This method of therapy really brought me into my body, allowing me the space to think, feel & release in this order. After I felt light in my body & clear in my mind. Just what was needed! I always look forward to my sessions with Alisa & couldn’t recommend her enough!”
“Alisa is is a nurturing and caring therapist. She explained what she was going to do before the EFT session and I was happy to do the tapping on myself with her guidance.
She is a good listener, was calm and professional and tuned into my issues. I felt the benefits of EFT and I will definitely have more treatments with her. I would highly recommend her.”
“Alisa made me feel at ease. I felt comfortable to share personal stuff with her and we were able to go deep in our sessions . She is very passionate about EFT and comes across as very confident in what she is doing which made me trust the process. I'd definitely recommend her .”
“Before my first session with Alisa I wasn’t that familiar with EFT but having experienced other forms of therapy I was curious as to how the tapping would be different. Alisa patiently guided me through this new process and I found the session to be a positive and (in a way) active collaboration between us which is very different from the previous therapies I have encountered. I felt very safe and comfortable with Alisa throughout the whole session and would recommend her services to anyone who hasn’t yet explored EFT”.
GO Review.
“Thank you Alisa for a compassionate and uplifting session. You helped me release so much tension, and gave me such helpful tools to manage my stress and anxiety. I’d highly recommend Alisa”.
A one off session is £70.
If you are located in Sweden, the cost is: 1100 SEK.
4000 (SEK).
Contact me.