between talking and tapping

I will work with you by talking and tapping to help you to identify, to process and to clear the issues that are stopping you from living a healthy and balanced life

what you will achieve

Working together with myself will make you more aware about the issues that have had a hold on your life to present day.

We will clear negative aspects of your life by talking and tapping, and normally these aspects are connected to unconscious core beliefs, disturbing past memories, traumas, and emotional blocks.

The aim is for you to feel reconnected with yourself, your body, and your emotions, and to help you understand the different parts within you. The awareness of these parts will help you inevitably to progress in life, move on, live healthier as well as to achieve your dreams.

What i can help you with


Stress, anxiety and uncertainty

If you are struggling with anxiety from all the uncertainty around you which prevents you from progressing in your life, EFT can help you. On top of personal anxieties and fears, we live in an unsettling and distressing world full of social, medical and political unrest. Existing stress or worry may be exacerbated by our global situation and contribute to our emotional and mental health. EFT can help treat different manifestations of anxiety; from limiting beliefs, to panic attacks, palpitations, to specific issues such as phobias, public speaking fears, dizziness and vertigo.

Trauma and ptsd

Traumatic events such as adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence and abuse and events such as near-death experiences can have a substantial impact on how we live our lives in the moment. In EFT we work to clear out and collapse the negative memories and events contributing to your current mental and physical health state, working somatically with the body through tapping and breathing consciously can help heal your mind and body.

physical and chronic health issues

If you are struggling with a physical health diagnosis or an ongoing chronic pain or health issue which is having an impact on your daily life, and you feel like you have tried treatments that havenโ€™t helped you, EFT can be the alternative route to healing. We would explore emotional causes of the pain and limiting beliefs that may be contributing to the ongoing issues.


If you are going through a challenging time at this moment, or a time of change, you may experience fear, grief, shock, or worry. You may be triggered through the uncertainty of transitions such as moving house or country, getting a divorce, changing a job, getting married but also getting a diagnosis. I can support you in this phase in your life.

I have worked with many clients that have needed me to hold unconditional space, whilst we explore the underlying issues or beliefs, linked to the change. I have also personally made transitions in life to understand the hardship change can bring about.


Whether you have a diagnosis of depression, or struggling with low-moods, low energy, thoughts of hurting yourself on a seasonal or a constant basis we can work together.

EFT can help us go back to root causes of events taking place in life that have had a profound effect on our sense of self in the world. This exploration can help you shift your relational situation to others, such as your significant others like your partner, friends and/or family.

confidence and self-esteem

Feeling confident and having high self-esteem are feelings about ourselves that we aspire to have in order to succeed in different parts and areas of our lives. Feelings of shame and guilt can have a profound effect in limiting our sense of belief in ourselves. We may have internalised unhelpful beliefs about ourselves in the external world, such as other peopleโ€™s perception of ourselves or from community, or our caregivers. EFT can help to rearrange beliefs and reframe memories that have contributed to a limiting perception of ourselves in the world.